Other Insurance Funds Waste Services

NAICS Code 525190

Discover Other Insurance Funds waste handlers (NAICS Code 525190) as reported to the United States EPA. Whether they are generators, transporters, transfer facilities, recyclers or TSDF locations, click on each listing below for details and contact information.

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This industry comprises legal entities (i.e., funds (except pension, and health- and welfare-related employee benefit funds)) organized to provide insurance exclusively for the sponsor, firm, or its employees or members. Self-insurance funds (except employee benefit funds) and workers' compensation insurance funds are included in this industry.

NAICS Code 525190–Other Insurance Funds parent categories:

  1. 52–Finance and Insurance
  2. 525–Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles
  3. 5251–Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds
  4. 52519–Other Insurance Funds

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