Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services Waste Services

NAICS Code 6242

Discover Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services waste handlers (NAICS Code 6242) as reported to the United States EPA. Whether they are generators, transporters, transfer facilities, recyclers or TSDF locations, click on each listing below for details and contact information.

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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in one of the following: (1) collecting, preparing, and delivering food for the needy; (2) providing short-term emergency shelter, temporary residential shelter, transitional housing, volunteer construction or repair of low-cost housing, and/or repair of homes for individuals or families in need; or (3) providing food, shelter, clothing, medical relief, resettlement, and counseling to victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts (e.g., wars).

NAICS Code 6242–Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services parent categories:

  1. 62–Health Care and Social Assistance
  2. 624–Social Assistance

NAICS Code 6242–Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services sub-categories: