v3.3 Release Notes

Ryan Battles Avatar

Written by Ryan Battles

Updated on Apr 18, 2019

What’s new in Wastebits

This release contains:

  1. Company Info Updates
  2. Account Claiming Enhancements
  3. Editing a Non-Haz Manifest
  4. Manifest Transporter Updates

Company Info Updates

We’ve heard that you want to be able to add more information to Transporters and Generators at the Company level, so we made these updates:

Generator Company Address

Now when creating a Generator Company, you can enter:

  • Company Address
  • Company Telephone #

Transporter Company Address & Detail Fields

Now when creating a Transporter Company, you can enter:

  • EPA ID
  • State ID
  • Permit #
  • Company Address
  • Company Telephone #

All of these fields are optional, and will give you more access to track the information that you want!

Account Claiming Enhancements

Previously when creating an account for your customer there was no way to determine whether the account had been claimed or to resend the welcome email if the customer couldn’t find it any longer. With this update we’ve given you access to both!

Ability to see whether an account has been claimed

First, navigate to the user you’d like to see the status of and click on their name. If a user has not claimed their account, you’ll see a note at the top of their details:


Click the Resend Welcome Email button on this screen:


The user will receive another email with instructions to claim their account.

Clarifying Username upon Account Claim

We’ve updated the log-in page to show that the username is actually just your Email address!


Editing a Non-Haz Manifest

Previously when a Manifest was Marked as Prepared, this locked the manifest down and prevented any edits. This meant that if the Generator wasn’t the original manifest creator, that they couldn’t make any changes!

With this update, we’ve added the ability to edit the manifest up until the Generator signs it.

Manifest Transporter Updates

Sometimes when a Facility Admin is completing a Manifest for their Customer, they may not know who the Transporter will be - but it was marked as a required field!

With this update, a Draft Manifest can be created without a Transporter listed. Adding the Transporter isn’t required until the Generator signs!

Coming Soon...

  • Service Provider User Type
  • Internet Explorer compatibility
  • Transporter driver list
  • Discrepancy Workflow
  • And more!

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