v6.3.0 Release Notes

Written by Ryan Battles
Updated on Feb 22, 2021
Site clean up tools
We've added even more tools - merging and bulk moving Sites - to help you clean up your location/address data. If you think you could use one of these services, please contact Support for assistance at help@wastebits.com.
Updates to create Waste Stream workflow
Over the past year, we've made changes to Wastebits that enable you to configure the Waste Stream to fit your needs. In this release, we modified the flow of creating a Waste Stream that will make even more waste stream template customization possible.
You'll notice that when you create a new Waste Stream, the first questions you're asked are the Facility and the Waste Type. This update allows everything else on your Waste Stream to be configured based on those two questions, giving us even more flexibility in helping you build the Waste Stream workflow you want!
Configurable file upload field
Is there a form you always require to be submitted with the Waste Stream? With this update, you'll be able to add customized upload fields to your Waste Stream template, directing your customers specifically to upload those particular documents.
Options to edit or expire the approval were missing, so we got those added back in.
We cleaned up some issues around adding/removing Service Provider companies and adding Companies with only one Site to a Waste Stream
Users were unable to select a Billing Company when the Generator only had one site, so we cleared that up.
Waste Stream histories were mixed, so we got them back in chronological order.