v7.2.0 Release Notes

Written by Cyndi Arnold
Updated on Jun 08, 2022
Notifications Filters and Views
Notification View
As an enhancement to the generic row view of notifications, we have restyled the row view to be more aesthetically pleasing, and we added an optional new table card view.

Notification Sorting and Filtering
Notifications can be sorted by categories and subcategories. Select the filter button on the right-hand side of your screen, and a notification type drop-down appears. This drop-down lets you drill down your search by comments, waste streams, user accounts, service agreements, system notifications, and exports. Once selected, you can drill down your filter even further if needed.
Additional Notes:
Notifications within the last 30-days will be displayed; this functionality has not changed.
If you have filters set and navigate to another page in your portal, your filters will still be displayed if you return to this page.
Once you have selected your notification type, searching may be combined with filtering to get more specific results. Here is a list of searchable items by notification type:
Waste Streams
Billing Site
Facility Site
Generator Site
Approval Number
Waste Stream Comment
Everything from Waste Streams
User First and Last Name
Everything from Waste Streams
User First and Last Name
User Company
Service Agreement
Broker (SP) Company Name
Client Company Name
User First and Last Name
User Company Name
User Request
User First and Last Name
User Company Name
Company Name
- Users could not upload a certification when submitting a waste stream during the certification process, only in the documents section. Once the document was uploaded, the upload would show in lieu of the generated waste stream PDF.
- Non-approved profiles appeared as selectable when creating a non-hazardous manifest from the manifest icon.