v5.8 Release Notes

Written by Ryan Battles
Updated on Mar 10, 2020
What's New in Wastebits
Wastebits has just been updated! This release contains:
- Ability to update company types
- County field on US addresses
Update Company Types
Customer companies have the option to be any combination of three types: Generator, Service Provider, and Transporter. Read more about these company types here.

Previously the company type would lock in as soon as you used the company on a Waste Stream or Manifest, or created a company site. With this update, you'll be able to make the following changes:
- You can always add company types if one is missing. So if you had previously selected Transporter for a company but realize that it's also a Service Provider, you can add that.
- If your company hasn't been used as a certain type, you'll be able to remove that type from the company. So if your company is a Generator and you accidentally selected Transporter as well, but have never used it as a Transporter, you'll be able to remove that type.
County Field on Addresses
Fields for County are now available on all US addresses throughout the application! They will appear any time an address is in a print view as well.