v5.11.3 Release Notes

Ryan Battles Avatar

Written by Ryan Battles

Updated on Jul 22, 2020

What's New in Wastebits

Wastebits has just been updated! This release contains:

  1. Place Approved Waste Streams on Hold when a Document is added
  2. Additions to Updated Date in the Waste Stream listview

Place Approved Waste Streams on Hold when a Document is added

We heard from you that oftentimes Documents being added to a Waste Stream after approval will require additional review to determine if the detail in the Documents affects whether or not the waste should still be approved, so we made the following updates:

When a Waste Stream is in the Approved status and...

  1. ...An All Companies Document is added - the Waste Stream will automatically go On Hold and require a new Certification and Submission for Facility approval.
  2. ...A Facility & Billing Companies Document is added - the Waste Stream will automatically go On Hold and require a new Certification and Submission for Facility approval.
  3. ...An Only My Company Document is added - the Waste Stream will remain Approved.

The only exception to the automatic On Hold status is for users with Approval permissions (Facility Portal Admin, Site Admin, Site Approver). These users will have the option to place the Waste Stream On Hold to request the Generator or Service Provider to recertify and submit.

Additions to Updated Date in the Waste Stream listview

Previously there were limited activities that would cause the Waste Stream "Updated" date to refresh. With this release, we've also included the following items that will modify the Updated date:

  1. Comments created and edited
  2. Documents added and removed
  3. Waste Streams approved and reapproved
  4. Waste Streams certified and recertified

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