New Feature Alert! How to Create and Submit Hybrid e-Manifests

Written by Cyndi Arnold
Updated on Oct 24, 2024
Hybrid e-Manifests & EPA/RCRA Integration
Go to Manifests
- Click the Manifests Icon on the left side navigation.
- Create a manifest and add your Waste Streams, which will pull in your company, site, and waste details automatically.
- Once you enter all required manifest details and save it as a draft, Wastebits will validate the manifest against the EPA’s RCRAInfo system. If valid, you will click on the “Send to EPA” option, which will appear in the Actions dropdown. This will trigger a screen to open for the Generator to sign, date, and then send to RCRAInfo.
- Once sent to RCRAInfo, the status of the manifest becomes “Prepared”.
- At this point, a new manifest has been created in RCRAInfo, and a new link in the Actions Menu will allow the user to view the manifest on RCRAInfo.
- RCRAInfo will also kick back a PDF that will be located next to the “Scan of Paper Manifest” section.
- RCRAInfo will return the generated Manifest Tracking Number and the manifest will be updated simultaneously in Wastebits. The first transporter will receive an email giving them a link to the RCRAInfo portal to sign the document. Once the initial transporter has signed, each additional transporter will receive an email to do the same, followed by the facility. The links provided via email will take the user directly to the manifest in RCRAInfo.
- If the user is signed into RCRAInfo, they can review and click “Quick Sign”, which will automatically notify Wastebits. The status of the manifest will then update in Wastebits along with any transporter and facility signatures.
- Once the first transporter signs within RCRA, the status will change to “In Transit” until it reaches the Waste Facility for signature.
- Viola! Hybrid manifest signed, sealed, and delivered. Wastebits will detect the manifest was submitted to the EPA already and update the manifest in Wastebits to mark it as complete by the next day.