How to Confirm a New Account
A coworker or a representative of the Waste Facility has created an account for you, so what do you do next?

Written by Ryan Battles
Updated on Jul 07, 2022
Go to Your Email
You will receive an email notification with instructions on how to confirm your account and set your password. It will look something like below. Click Confirm Your Account. If that button doesn't work, you can copy and paste the link into your browser.

Set Your Password
You'll be taken to your web browser and given the option to set a password to confirm your account.

Log In!
You will now see that your account has been successfully confirmed. Click the Login button to be taken to the screen where you will enter your email and the password that you just selected to access the application.

Helpful hint: This link does expire so once you've reached the login page, you may want to save this page to your bookmark or add it to your favorites for easy access in the future.