e-Manifest Signature Requirements for Generators, Transporters, and Facilities

Learn the electronic signature requirements for all parties involved in the Wastebits Hybrid e-Manifest system, ensuring compliance with EPA regulations.

Ryan Battles Avatar

Written by Ryan Battles

Updated on Feb 19, 2025

Electronic signatures play a vital role in the e-Manifest process, allowing for secure and verified acknowledgments at every stage of hazardous waste tracking. Whether you are a generator, transporter, or facility, ensuring that the proper signatures are in place is crucial for regulatory compliance. This guide outlines the electronic signature requirements for each party using the Wastebits Hybrid e-Manifest system.

Generator Signature Requirements

As a generator, you are responsible for signing the e-Manifest to confirm the details of the waste shipment before it is transported:

  • Generators must have RCRA credentials (EPA ID, API ID, and API Key) to submit an electronic signature via Wastebits.
    • If the generator chooses not to sign electronically, the Receiving Facility can sign on their behalf. If the generator is not registered with a user account in the Wastebits portal, the facility will be notified to sign the manifest on behalf of the generator.
  • Generators not mandated to register for e-Manifest should coordinate with their receiving facilities to provide paper copies of completed manifests.

Transporter Signature Requirements

The transporter is responsible for signing the e-Manifest when the hazardous waste is picked up for transport:

  • Like the generator, transporters must have RCRA credentials to provide their electronic signature within Wastebits.
  • Once the waste is in transit, the transporter’s signature serves as an acknowledgment of responsibility for the safe delivery to the receiving facility.

Facility Signature Requirements

Receiving facilities must sign the e-Manifest to confirm the delivery and receipt of the hazardous waste:

  • Facilities need RCRA credentials to sign electronically, verifying that the waste has been received and processed.
  • The facility’s signature marks the completion of the waste’s journey and confirms compliance with all necessary regulations.

Important Notes

  • Signature Verification: All signatures within the Wastebits system are legally binding and verified through the EPA’s RCRAInfo platform.
  • Compliance: It is essential for all parties involved to ensure their signatures are in place before the manifest is finalized and submitted to the EPA.


Electronic signatures are a key part of the Wastebits Hybrid e-Manifest system, ensuring that all hazardous waste shipments are properly documented and compliant with EPA regulations. By following these guidelines, generators, transporters, and facilities can contribute to a smooth, secure waste management process. If you have questions or need assistance, contact help@wastebits.com. For sales inquiries, reach out to sales@wastebits.com for more information about the program.

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