How to Create a Company Site

Company Sites are required to create Waste Streams and Manifests.

Ryan Battles Avatar

Written by Ryan Battles

Updated on May 04, 2022

All Companies will require sites to be added to a Waste Stream or Manifest. You can think of Sites as different addresses that all roll up under the same parent Company.

Navigate to the Appropriate Company Details Page

For Your Own Company

Click on your Company icon in the bottom left of your screen.

For a Customer Company (As a Facility User)

  • Click on the Companies icon in the left navigation
  • Select the Customer you wish to add a site for (Any Company Type).

For a Customer Company (As a Service Provider)

  • Click on the Clients icon in the left navigation
  • Select the Customer you wish to add a site for (Generators Only).

    Navigate to the Sites Page

    Within the Company Details page, click the Sites tab, and then Create a New Site.

    Fill Out the Form for a New Site

    Required fields will be marked with an asterisk*. Once you save the form, you can now select the Company and Site when creating a Waste Stream or Manifest.

    How to Create Companies and Sites From Within a Waste Stream

    Permissions for Creating Generator and Service Provider Companies & Sites

    • Facility Users with the appropriate permissions are able to create both Companies and Sites from within a Waste Stream.
    • Service Providers are able to create Sites for their Own Company or for their Authorized Client from within a Waste Stream.
    • Generators with the appropriate permissions are able to create Sites for their Own Company from within a Waste Stream.

    Create the Company

    For Facility Users to create a new Company, simply type in the name and click the Create Company button when no matches are found. Enter information about the company on the form that appears and click the Add Company button when you are finished. This Company will now appear on the current Waste Stream and will be available to add to future Waste Streams.

    Create the Site

    Easily create Generator and Service Provider Sites from within a Waste Stream by simply typing in the name of the new Site, and clicking the Create Site button when no matches are found. Enter all required fields on the form that appears and click Add Site. This Site will now appear on the current Waste Stream and will be available to add to future Waste Streams.

    If you are a Facility User that just finished creating a Company, you will be automatically prompted to create the new Site:

    One-Time Transporter Sites

    Transporter Sites created on a Waste Stream are for one-time use on the specific Waste Stream only to document preferred or approved Transporter contact information. There are no special permissions about who can create them, and users cannot be added to them. To create a one-time Transporter Site, simply type in the name of the new Site and click the Create One-Time Company button.

    You will have the option to add a Permit # and Expiration, but these fields are not required. Click Add Transporter to add this one-time Site to the Waste Stream.

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