How to Create a New Customer Company

Need to create a new company for a Generator, Service Provider, or Transporter? Have a customer that is more than one of these types of companies? This article is for you.

Ryan Battles Avatar

Written by Ryan Battles

Updated on Jul 30, 2020

Note: These instructions apply to Facility Users only.

Navigate to Companies and Create Company

Click on the Companies icon in the left navigation, then select Create Company.

Select the Company Type

The most important step in creating a new customer company is determining what type the company should be. You can select just one type for your company, or it can be two or three types:

  • Generator companies may be selected on Waste Streams and Manifests in the Generator section as well as the Bill-to.
  • Transporter companies may be selected on Waste Streams (but Transporter Users will not have access to the Waste Stream). They may also be added to Manifests (Transporter users will have access to the Manifest).
  • Service Provider companies may be selected on Waste Streams and Manifests as well as the Bill-to.

Complete the form and click Save.

Note: You have the ability to edit the company type if needed:

  1. You can always add company types if one is missing. So if you had previously selected Transporter for a company but realize that it's also a Service Provider, you can add that.
  2. If your company hasn't been used as a certain type, you'll be able to remove that type from the company. So if your company is a Generator and you accidentally selected Transporter as well, but have never used it as a Transporter, you'll be able to remove that type.

Next Steps

Create Site(s)

All Companies will require sites to be added to a Waste Stream or Manifest. You can think of sites as different addresses that all roll up under the same parent company. Follow these instructions to create Sites.

Create Users

See the instructions here for how to add users to newly created companies: How to Create a New Customer User Account

Authorize Service Providers

See the instructions here for how to authorize newly created Service Providers to their Generator clients: How to Authorize a Service Provider to a Generator Company

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